Saturday, September 9, 2017

Making the Transition

It is that time of the year again! I am back in Holland and getting settled in once more. I woke up to gray skies and a rainy day- very discouraging, considering how negative that works towards fighting jetlag. Now, the gorgeous sunshine and blue skies have come out to greet me in Arnemuiden as I sit on the couch, windows open, drinking in the cool evening air.

Our apartment building

My flight and time at the airport all went very well, but having an overnight flight left me more groggy than usual the next day. The jetlag gets me every time!

I was anxious to tour our new Dutch apartment upon my arrival. It is quite a lovely space that my husband and his family worked hard to make look so nice. Now I just have to find a place for everything we have accumulated over the past two years!

I will keep myself quite busy as I get used to “keeping house” again. Oh how I have missed dishes, laundry, sweeping, cleaning, and planning/making dinner! I guess it is good to be back to our little life again, but it will take some getting used to.

A new addition to our lifestyle this time around is the fact that I will be working from home- putting in a few hours every day as a Plexus ambassador, working to improve upon my online business. I will also be taking Dutch lessons twice a week at the local library!

I have been struggling with comprehending, reading, and speaking the Dutch language since the first day I arrived in the Netherlands back in December 2014 for our short, three week, stay. While I have come quite a long way in understanding conversation around me and knowing certain phrases and words, becoming more confident in speaking Dutch, and being more independent here, has been a goal of mine for a while. I have high expectations for the class and for myself, but I am not sure if I am up for the challenge, so I do ask for your prayers as I try this new approach!

Learning Dutch 

During my time away from the U.S. I will try to post every few weeks to keep everyone informed and to remain connected to my friends and family back home. I miss you all and thank you for your continued prayers as I try to balance this “back and forth” life.  

10/24/2019 Update

It is a crisp, warm day in the sunshine here in the Shenandoah Valley. On my to do list is laundry, dishes, sweeping the kitchen, and comple...