My independence, self-esteem, and leadership qualities really began to blossom when I got the opportunity to work as a summer camp counselor. I realized how much I had to offer on my own. I was still quiet, shy, and reserved that first summer I worked there, but it forced me to branch out.
Through branching out, I realized what a complex person I was. I took psychological quizzes and personality tests trying to figure out where to go next in life and they all came out with mixed results. I struggled to find myself because of this. How can a person be a leader and a follower? A good listener and a good talker? In order to be considered ‘normal’, a person is supposed to fall on either side, right? Well, I teeter in the middle of the spectrum.
Summer 2012 working as a camp counselor with this awesome group of people!
Pieter and I saying good-bye after working together that summer.
(He had no idea how much I liked him then) ;)
During our time of dating, my now husband quickly discovered that I am somehow both an extrovert and an introvert. I benefit from interaction with people and crave it when I am on my own for too long, but it drains me and I need that ‘just me’ time just as much. It is difficult to make friends and know where your place in society is when you have so many different sides to yourself.
The past two weeks, as my departure to the Netherlands creeps up quickly, I have been conversing with Pieter about how all of this has made me a stronger person. I feel like I was never cut out to be in a situation like this, but I have to choose to believe that it is preparing me for something in our future. When I talk to Pieter about having to do something I really do not want to do without him, I end in saying “but I know it is making me stronger”. From the moment the security guards told me my husband would not be joining me in the States, to the moment I made the decision to return home to work for five months without my husband, to walking through baggage check in tears at the Amsterdam airport all by myself, and every life event I have weathered in between_ this has made me stronger. I have recognized my potential, seen qualities in myself I never knew existed, and held onto hope tighter than I thought I would ever have to.