Thursday, October 24, 2019

10/24/2019 Update

It is a crisp, warm day in the sunshine here in the Shenandoah Valley. On my to do list is laundry, dishes, sweeping the kitchen, and completing several assignments that are due in just a few days. 

On a whim, back in August, I gave Liberty University a call to inquire about continuing my education with online classes. After completing the Medical Assistant program, many people (including myself) wondered, what's next? Not wanting to receive just another certification and declining the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder at my current job, I took the plunge and enrolled, fulltime, back into Liberty University online. I am now working towards my Bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration. 

It has taken us a while to settle into a healthy and happy routine where I juggle all of my different hats, but I think we have finally found it! I work weekends as a waitress at Cracker Barrel and then work 20-30 hours a week at urgent care medical assisting and loving it! Oftentimes, as I am caring for a patient and getting their blood pressure, I will remember back to last fall- I was just learning how to take blood pressures and practicing on my family. Now I perform this task successfully and efficiently 20+ times a day! 

Another huge change came our way in May of this year and again in September when my mom was offered a job in Wilmington, North Carolina. As my dad had been in search of a stable position here in the valley for well over a year, they decided it was best for her to accept the offer and take the chance on a new adventure! Mom moved in May and was able to come back and visit a few times, making the change not seem too permanent then, after all, dad still remained nearby and my brother Cliff was back for the summer to lifeguard at the Edinburg pool. Reality hit like a sack full of cement when my mom returned at the end of August, they packed up the remainder of their personal possessions and headed south together. 

My parents have always been nearby, and while we don't have the kind of relationship where we "hang out" and "chill" together, their presence in my life has always been a vital component to my day-to-day routine. Those three month stretches when I was away in the Netherlands for long periods of time were emotionally draining, for the very reason of being apart from family.

After analyzing why I feel the way I do about having my parents 8+ hours away, the core of the frustration came to light- I have found that it is less of a necessity for them to be here to care for me and more of a desire and a need I feel to be there to care for them. This is a conviction and loyalty that I have had since childhood, and it has simply never left, although deep down, I know they are just fine without me. 

With their departure also left logistical issues. Somehow Pieter, myself, and my dad came up with an arrangement for us to rent their home for a while. It worked out, considering our rent had increased (alot) and mom and dad had no other interested parties in buying or renting the house at this time. 

So, now we maintain a beautiful and rustic old farmhouse, we've taken in the family cat (as he sort of came with the house), and we press forward! Oddly enough I have found some of my most content and comfortable moments in this home in the past few weeks... something about those apple spice candles flickering, the fire in the wood stove blazing, and the sunset peering through the hundred year old windows that makes you feel like you're being hugged from all sides- it's a brisk reassurance this time of year when you realize everything is working out just fine. 

Hampton- technically my brother's cat, but a grouchy little companion to everyone in the family. No one else's landlord would allow him to accompany them on their journeys, therefore he's stuck in Woodstock for a little while longer. He and Nicholas have become great playmates. 

10/24/2019 Update

It is a crisp, warm day in the sunshine here in the Shenandoah Valley. On my to do list is laundry, dishes, sweeping the kitchen, and comple...